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Owners are the Jonsson brothers;
is economic, hired personal and composite the feed for the cows.
Henrik; is responsible for the woodland, machinery and buildings.
Gabriel; is responsible for the milk production at Hyllella.

The farm OGESTAD was bought May 2005 including 320 cows and machinery. The Calf facility was built 2006. Another farm “Dvärgstad” was added in 2007. With more land they got permit to house 700 cows and replacement 2008 and could add another building and manure storage. 2010 they bought HYLLELLA with 400 cows 30 km away. 2011-13 they have been renovating, now housing 750 cows.

Ogestad and Hyllella today!

Together they have in total 1350 cows (700 and 650) and 1150 replacement. The farms consists today of 1250 ha farmland, 175 ha landscape pasture and 440 ha woodland. The main production is milk and all farmland is used to produce feed. Farmland is used as follows; 230 ha for corn silage, 550 ha grass silage, 40 ha oats for silage, 80 ha winter wheat and 350 ha spring wheat to combine.

In both farms the cows are milked in inside rotary parlor. The average sold milk 2012 from 621 cows at Ogestad is 9937 kg and the average sold milk from 719 cows at Hyllella is 9616 kg. In total 617087 + 6913904 = 13.084 781 kg

Most machinery is owned by them in a Machinery company, but much of transportation is done by truckers. In this company they also have 2 wood harvest machines to take care of their own woods. Off course they also work for other farmers with their machinery if they have time. They have also some income renting out houses and hunting.    


They have 8 fulltime hired people to take care of the morning milking, inseminating, calving and calves. 1 man is taking care of feeding and young stock, one on each farm.

3 times milking per day, make 3 people in the noon 3 people in the evening this is done by special hired workers.

They have 4 people driving and taking care of all machinery like repairing in housing.  Doing other work, where it is needed, is done by 3 working owners.

Book keeping is done by a lady working 20 hours a month!

2012 they reached 56 million (each worker made 2, 45 million) this made a total return of 10,3 million. To make this work is well planned budget.

Planning for the future:

Some cows are easily milking 12-15.000 kg without problem? All cows have the same feed?

We have to work hard with genetics and we will start with SEMEX advise to use a lot beef semen and sexed on the better half.  

1.       Working for higher production through getting better genetic, using embryo and top Canadian genomic immunity sires together with a lot beef semen.  

2.       Planning for growth and build new facilities for housing 1400 bulls for slaughter.  For this they have to build new silage bunkers for 6500m3 like one 5000m3 manure pitch.

3.       Renting a nearby farm schools building for 80 cows and 200 ha land. On this farm they will start to produce embryos from their own cows. Doing 16 flushing each month and produce 1000 embryos they hope they will get higher production.

Ogestad Egendom, Odensvi  594 94 Gamleby  Sweden info@ogestad.se

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